Sunday, December 2, 2007

"I Wish They Knew" Music Video

Most Muslims would agree that as a whole we are misunderstood. While many view us as terrorists, those who do not believe this stereotype know nothing more about us than that that we are not terrorists. It is one of the largest problems facing Muslims today: everyone seems to know who we are not -- not who we really are.

So who are we? Well, here is your chance to decide. UCLA Film School graduate Lena Khan is looking for your help in making a music video about this very idea. The video will be compiled from these responses.

Please comment with one sentence you wish you could tell the entire non-Muslim world about you or about Muslims. It could be anything -- dreams, fears, aspirations, quirks, facts, whatever. Just write it and don't worry about how it sounds. Responses are anonymous. If you do not mind Lena knowing your identity, however (though your name will not be in the video), please send your response directly to .

Non-Muslims know little about any of us...what do you wish they knew about YOU?

(or...what do you wish they knew about Muslims?)

Examples from other Muslims who have submitted:

"I'm good enough to win at Dancing at the Stars. But I'll only dance with my husband."

"News flash -- all people suck...not just Muslims."

"All of my family in Iraq is dead."

"I hope I find Joaquin Phoenix is in Heaven."

"Most Muslims are from Indonesia, not the Middle East."

"I cheated on a few tests in high school. Hey, I'm human too."